Page display options#
Selecting species, production system, and currency
The first row of controls contains dropdown menus to select the species, production system, and currency to display for all charts.Species
Determines the species or species group to display.
Production System
Determines the production system to display. Options are dependent on the selected species:
Species or group |
Production Systems |
Cattle |
Crop livestock mixed, Pastoral, Periurban dairy |
Sheep, Goats, All Small Ruminants |
Crop livestock mixed, Pastoral |
Poultry Hybrid, Poultry Indigenous, All Poultry |
Small holder, Village |
Determines the currency to display. Options are Ethiopian Birr or US Dollars. Currency exchange rate is from the World Bank and is specific to the selected year.
Selecting year and geographic scope
The second row of controls allows you to control the year display and geographic scope.Display AHLE for single year or over time
Determines whether to show the AHLE charts for a single year or over time. Note that the over time display is currently only available for cattle. AHLE for all other species has only been estimated for a single year (2021).
Geographic scope
Determines whether to show the AHLE charts for the whole nation or a subnational state. Note that subnational estimates are currently only available for cattle and for a single year (2021). Selecting Subnational will enable the dropdown to select a specific subnational state to view.