Cost chart#

The cost chart shows side-by-side bars comparing the actual costs of production to the ideal costs if there were no disease burden. The cost categories shown depend on the data available for each species.


Fig. 7 Example costs chart#


Costs for poultry are reported per kg live weight. Actual costs come directly from the sources identified in the main data table. Ideal costs are calculated as below.

Ideal Feed Cost
Ideal feed consumption multiplied by the price determined by the Feed price slider. Ideal feed consumption is the feed required to match the realised production at the ideal FCR set by the Ideal feed conversion ratio slider, assuming carcass yield is equal to the breed standard.

Ideal Chick Cost
Equal to actual chick cost reduced in proportion to head placed, defined by (ideal head placed) / (actual head placed). Ideal head placed is the number of head needed to match the realised production if all head survived and achieved the breed standard potential weight.

Ideal Land & Housing Cost
Equal to actual land & housing cost reduced in proportion to head placed, defined by (ideal head placed) / (actual head placed).

Ideal Labour Cost
Equal to actual labour cost reduced in proportion to land & housing cost, defined by (ideal land & housing cost) / (actual land & housing cost). Note we are using the reduction in land & housing cost as a proxy for the reduction in land & housing requirements.

Ideal Other Cost
Equal to actual other cost reduced in proportion to head placed, defined by (ideal head placed) / (actual head placed).

Burden of Disease
The difference between total actual costs and total ideal costs.


Costs for swine are reported per kg carcass weight. Cost categories are those reported by the InterPIG association. Actual costs come directly from InterPIG. Ideal costs are calculated as below.

Ideal Feed Cost
Ideal feed consumption multiplied by the price determined by the Feed price slider. Ideal feed consumption is the feed required to match the realised production at the ideal FCR set by the Ideal feed conversion ratio slider, assuming carcass yield is equal to the breed standard.

Ideal Nonfeed Variable Costs
Equal to actual nonfeed variable cost reduced in proportion to head placed, defined by (ideal head placed) / (actual head placed). Ideal head placed is the number of head needed to match the realised production if all head survived and achieved the breed standard potential weight.

Ideal Labour Cost
Equal to actual labour cost reduced in proportion to finance cost, defined by (ideal land & housing cost) / (actual land & housing cost). Note we are using the reduction in finance cost as a proxy for the reduction in land & housing requirements.

Ideal Finance Cost
Equal to actual finance cost reduced in proportion to head placed, defined by (ideal head placed) / (actual head placed).

Burden of Disease
The difference between total actual costs and total ideal costs.