Overview of the tabs#

The tabs are grouped by level of geography, from most aggregate (global) to most specific (case studies). Due to differences in data availability, each geographic level represents a separate analysis, with some differences in the approach for estimating AHLE and the way it is displayed.

Global tabs

The global tabs show estimates of the burden of disease for all major livestock species globally.

Global Overview
The global overview displays a map allowing the user to view population, live weight, biomass, or the estimated animal health loss envelope (AHLE) for any of the major livestock species.

Global AHLE Details
The AHLE details tab displays the aggregate animal health loss envelope (AHLE) for any country or group of countries and breaks it down into its component values and costs. This tab also displays how the AHLE or its components have changed over time.

Major producers tabs

The major producers tabs show estimates of the burden of disease for the top-producing countries of each species.

Major Producers | Poultry
The poultry analysis includes 11 countries and is focused exclusively on broiler chickens.

Major Producers | Swine
The swine analysis includes 12 countries.

Case studies

The case studies show estimates of the burden of disease using more detailed data but are limited in geographic scope.

Ethiopia Case Study
A detailed analysis of the burden of disease for selected species in Ethiopia.

Antimicrobial Usage

The antimicrobial usage tab shows data on global antimicrobial usage and prices and develops an estimate of the global expenditure on antimicrobials. It also displays available data on antimicrobial resistance.